Frequently Asked Questions about Math Monkey

The Math Monkey programmes are, by design, unique and distinctive from other traditional math teaching strategies your child may have probably experienced in school. Our primary goal is to gauge each student’s current level and to build upon it while having fun along the way. We strive to match your child’s current proficiency and learning speed with a group who are at a similar level and learning speed, so that all the kids in the class can progress at a comfortable pace.

Invariably, both parents and students have many questions about Math Monkey Singapore enrichment centers and programs. This is to be expected and we encourage you to explore the information we are sharing here on our website. Since people ask us certain questions very often, we have compiled this list of FAQ that provides answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you have a question that is not addressed in this FAQ, please feel free to call our offices or email us or use the online form below, and we will be most happy to give you the answers you seek.

1 What is Math Monkey?

Math Monkey is an enrichment program designed for children of all ability ranges and parents who understand the importance of math excellence.

Math Monkey boosts children’s logic, reasoning and mental agility through our game-based curriculum inspired by Vedic math, an Indian math philosophy.

Most importantly, we believe that learning Math should be fun activity rather than the conventional boring method of drilling”. We aim to instill a love of Math in children.

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We’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may have!